


It is midnight, & Thomas Hardy is keeping me company amid the relative quiet; & in a brisk 35 degrees, the kind words of a friend are warming me.

Oh, days of my new native Land;

For heart was here when body could not be!

How they delight me -

Finch & Columbine, Birch & Aspen,

Each a little token of a vast &

Primal Purity.

Oh, Sun in my new native Land;

Warmed by this same furnace when I was afar!

Now I slumber on tree-bones,

Deaf to the whiz & the whir of city -

Only awake to the wide, wide yawn

Of the fiery, & silent Stars.

Oh, Trees in my new native Land;

Welcoming me like a returning King!

Towering in your celestial steppes -

Sighing in endless vague whispers

& snow-sparkled leaves that

Awaken to Spring.

Oh, Self in my new native Land;

Newborn & Ancient at last!

Growing, as each Spring-impassioned

Shoot that fights the Soil & flames to green -

& sleeps in sacred oblivion

When the rush of the Wind is past...

"A sense sublime 
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man."

- William Wordsworth.

Today, I hiked three separate Mountains looking for my first campsite.

There will be much time for reflection soon, but something that immediately struck me was a pervasive Spirit of animation & sacredness that imbued greater Value into everything around me.

Perhaps going to the Woods is a lesson in spiritual economics.

I want to study closely this system of Value that Nature offers.

There, a stone may be merely that.

But here (glistening & glinting in the coruscating light of a gurgling stream), I wish for a Stone to teach me Beauty, Stillness, & Peace in the mere act of Being.

We may learn by a thing,
Only in proportion to the Value

We ascribe it.

Spending today & tomorrow searching for sites.

I am reading much Emerson (responsive posts to follow), & exploring my own thoughts on Nature & self.

I feel that this internal search will lead me to the perfect spot.

The temperature is 61 degrees, & the Sun is grinning down on me like a crazy-eyed madman.

Stay tuned...





The last of the condo will be packed up and cleaned within a  few short hours! I have finally narrowed down my search for an appropriate campsite, near an area called French Gulch. Details will be provided soon.l
Getting my gear together, packing up the condo, preparing to seek the solitude of the Woods!