
Oh, days of my new native Land;

For heart was here when body could not be!

How they delight me -

Finch & Columbine, Birch & Aspen,

Each a little token of a vast &

Primal Purity.

Oh, Sun in my new native Land;

Warmed by this same furnace when I was afar!

Now I slumber on tree-bones,

Deaf to the whiz & the whir of city -

Only awake to the wide, wide yawn

Of the fiery, & silent Stars.

Oh, Trees in my new native Land;

Welcoming me like a returning King!

Towering in your celestial steppes -

Sighing in endless vague whispers

& snow-sparkled leaves that

Awaken to Spring.

Oh, Self in my new native Land;

Newborn & Ancient at last!

Growing, as each Spring-impassioned

Shoot that fights the Soil & flames to green -

& sleeps in sacred oblivion

When the rush of the Wind is past...

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