What dare we take from heaven's cup
With fire brushing Mountain tops,
With Sunlight burnished on her tops;
Where from her peaks, the snow-melt plops,
Where from her bluffs the awed heart drops,
And from her cliffs the bold heart stops.

What dare we dream when from the vial
Of Skye & Stone, pure liquid pours?
From deep recesses in her core,
Whence River maidens swiftly bore;
Their Springly task, a frigid chore,
Along the Forest's verdant floor.

What dare we learn from Wood & Leaf;
Alemebic pair that shade our heads;
And bid us bow with sacred dread,
Beneath the tow'ring Pines outspread;
Our also-tow'ring souls be fed,
When Spirit with the Woods be wed.

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